Bronze for Michael Vanthourenhout in Tabor, Iserbyt on…

The question is not if, but when van der Poel will drive away. Iserbyt still starts well, Vanthourenhout misses his start completely, Vanthourenhout is only twentieth.

In the meantime, the cross has already been decided after four minutes: head of the race: Mathieu van der Poel. His fellow countryman, Joris Nieuwenhuis, knows that he should follow as long as possible. There are podium opportunities there. And behind that follow Venturini, the Frenchman, and the Belgians.

With Michael Vanthourenhout already here. And that is a good sign because Vanthourenhout is moving on. On to third place. Alone, although Ron doesn’t want to just let her be. The only interesting battle is for the bronze.

Vanthourenhout is the stronger of the two. In round four he gradually distances himself from Ronhaar. And he also approaches Joris Nieuwenhuis. The silver is not gone yet. But Nieuwenhuis holds his ground. Van der Poel has been lord and master for a long time, and is also world champion. Michael Vanthourenhout saves the honor of the Belgians and takes the podium in third place. Iserbyt is fifth, Wyseure eleventh.
