Brock Boeser told of his father’s illness

Brock Boeser of the Vancouver Canucks told of his father’s illness.

Brock Boeser has represented the Vancouver Canucks since the 2016-2017 season. AOP / USA TODAY SPORTS

NHL club Vancouver Canucks striker Brock Boeserilla is under a challenging season.

Boeser, 25, is one of the top players in the team, but only 71 + 23 points have been scored in 71 matches this season.

When Boeser was asked at a season-ending media conference if home affairs affected his grip this season, the striker burst into tears.

– It was really hard, Boeser replied clearly emotionally.

Canucks star defender Quinn Hughes sat next to Boeser and told reporters if reporters could ask the following question.

However, Boeser wanted to respond.

– She (Dad) is not well. She has pretty bad dementia right now. It’s gone real, really bad this year. It has hit me hard.

The American player left the media event after this.

Boeser last spoke about his father’s well-being in public in 2020, when he revealed that his father had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease a decade ago. His father has been fighting that disease ever since.

– We can’t understand what he’s going through. It’s heavy for him. We can only support him, Hughes said.

– If we want to be good, Brock must be very good. I think it’s very important for her to go home to Minnesota and spend quality time with her family. He is a motivated guy and will be fine.

The Canucks season ended in the regular season. In its most effective season, Boeser has scored 26 + 30 = 56 power points in the 698-2019 season.
