Broadcasting councils make their verdict on Schlesinger on Monday

RBB director Patricia Schlesinger (61)

RBB director Patricia Schlesinger (61) Photo: dpa picture alliance

By Stephen Peter

Does Patricia Schlesinger (61) have her last day at work on Monday? The professional destiny of the RBB director is decided in the afternoon.

At 4 p.m. the Broadcasting Council will meet for a special session. The only topic: the Schlesinger affair.

The committee not only elected the director, but can also dismiss her! This is regulated by the Interstate Broadcasting Agreement between Berlin and Brandenburg.

The Broadcasting Council is made up of 29 representatives from churches, trade unions, the State Music Council, farmers’ association and members of parliament. “Except for a few people with expertise, an amateur play group,” criticizes FDP politician Stefan Förster (41).

The job is voluntary – but there is a monthly expense allowance of 400 to 700 euros and 75 euros per session.


Corruption Patricia Schlesinger rbb
