Broadcasting boss Jan Slagter takes swimming lessons after falling from boat: ‘Was afraid to drown’ | NOW

Jan Slagter of Omroep MAX is finally going to take swimming lessons. The 68-year-old broadcaster has decided this after he had an accident on his own boat. He fell overboard and was afraid of drowning.

Slagter tells this on Wednesday in the podcast De Geboden van Dresselhuys and Slagter. “I was cleaning the boat and wanted to grab a reel of the sprayer that threatened to fall into the water,” said Slagter. “I lost my balance and fell into the water. I went completely underwater.”

Fortunately, in his panic, the broadcaster found a blue cable he could grab. “My wife Inge didn’t see me, she shouted: where are you then? Fortunately a boat came up that helped us.”

“I don’t want to think what could have happened if I had been unconscious,” he continues. “I was in the water, had ingested water and had no ground under my feet.”

When Slagter gets his first swimming lesson, he didn’t tell in the podcast.
