Broad resistance in Venray against reopening De Peel airbase | 1Limburg

The municipality of Venray joins forces in the resistance against the reactivation of De Peel airbase. At the initiative of mayor Leontien Kompler, a meeting was recently held with village and district councils of Venray and working groups.

The discussion about reopening the base has been going on for several years now.

‘Sleeping base’
Defense wants to reopen the air base in Vredepeel, which was closed in 1993, because there is a greater need for training space for military aircraft. The opponents are concerned about the health and welfare of humans and animals.

To combine forces
The village councils are happy with the joint approach. According to John van Dijck, chairman of the Merselo Village Council, they do not have the right knowledge. “By joining forces now, you get a much more solid overall picture of what is about to happen to us and you can also make a fist together”, according to Van Dijck.

In Merselo, there is great resistance to the reopening of the former airbase. A recent poll by the village council shows that 80 percent of residents are negative about a reopening. In addition to great fear of noise pollution from the starting and landing F35 fighter jets, there are concerns for the agricultural companies in and around Merselo.

Hundreds of objections
More than 600 objections were received from the defense after the announcement of the intended reopening of the air base in Vredepeel. Most, 150 pieces, came from Milheeze in Brabant. Merselo then follows with 135 objections. There were only five official objections from Vredepeel itself, but they expect much less noise pollution there because the village is located on the north side of the base.

Also read: Residents of Merselo against flights De Peel airbase

In Vredepeel there are also concerns for agriculture and traffic around the military base. According to the chairman of the village council, Theo Kooter, the latter already creates dangerous situations. Kooter also finds a plan B important because of the long-standing relationship between the village and the defense force. “What can defense mean for Vredepeel and the municipality of Venray, for example supporting business? Or tackle matters with defense together,” he says. In view of the village’s history with the military base, Kooten says from experience: “If necessary, it will continue”.

Other sentiments
In 2019, the city council of Venray spoke out against the reopening. But mayor Kompier thinks it is important to investigate whether the council’s ruling is still current. “So far, most of the sentiment we’ve encountered is that people are against reactivation. But from the municipality we think that we should be in conversation with everyone and in the meantime we also see sentiments from people who take a slightly different point of view,” says the mayor.

On Tuesday there will be a meeting with surrounding municipalities and the provinces to see how they view the reopening of De Peel airbase. A GGD study will also be carried out this year into the health perception of local residents.

In the meantime, the defense does not dare timeline to give more for the reopening of the airport. The airport decision required for this will be finalized in 2024 at the earliest. In particular, the permit application under the Nature Conservation Act and the nitrogen problem take a lot of time.

Once the environmental impact assessment and the airport decision have been completed, objections can be submitted again.
