“Britten Zullen, dead 71 years old, wanted to work with the pension system in evenwicht te houden” | Work

The pensioenleeftijd in the United Kingdom was born in 2030 in 71 years and has been brought into the British pensioensysteem in even weight te kunnen housing. The state has a report from a study center across the country in the UK (ILCUK).

In the land of the United Kingdom, the population is growing larger. This means that there is a lot of food in the working life (15 to 64 years old). The working pensioner has a pension with a higher pension in the house, with pension benefits from 70 to 71 years old, now 66 years old, the state is in the report.

In the United Kingdom there is a state and pensions. This costs a maximum of 203.85 pounds of 238 euros per week. The majority of pensions also have two pensions, particulier pensions.

The Royal Association has a pension plan for trekking for 67 years between 2026 and 2028. In 2044, it will be possible for 68 years.

Theory versus practice

The study center notices that there are a lot of long-lasting works in which a theoretical oplossing is, so that the onderzoek blijkt that in the practice “tegen de leeftijd van 70 jaar maar 50 per cent van de volwassenen” nor in state is om te works. Another oplossing is from the factory floor in the population, from 78 to 85 percent. “Then you can have a good pension on the pension for 70 years in the house in 2040, at least for a few years,” he says.

The ILCUK-onderzoekers roepen de regering op om zich te concentreren op het voorkomen van gezondheidsproblems, zowel bij ouderen als bij werkenden. It is inactive because of the chronic disease, which has been confirmed in the United Kingdom due to the corona pandemic. If anyone has any health problems, they will have to print the pension system. Do you want to finance the pensions of those who work less?

If you have a pension, you can’t do that? Does it matter if you have a good look? (+)
