Britt Dekker looks back on very spicy slipper Rob Kamphues

Britt Dekker wonders how on earth Rob Kamphues accidentally posted such personal videos of himself online earlier this year. “Did he select a filter?”


Rob Kamphues was discredited last summer because he posted a video in his Instagram accountstories in which he was playing with himself. However, posting explicit images is not allowed on the social medium. He was shocked and immediately decided to take his Instagram profile offline.

Jerking Rob

Shortly after his blunder with the racy images, Rob returned, but he was not exactly a warm welcome. He was in fact quite scolded by his followers, including as a pervert. A few days later, Rob suddenly posted another spicy video of himself, after which he went deep into the dust.

Rob’s mistake was discussed last night in the New Year’s Eve special of Media Inside. “Rob Kamphues has had a difficult year. He has accidentally posted several videos of him mas*rbating. He shared that on social media.”


Britt Dekker still remembers it. “Oh yes! Yes, by accident, that was really on its story. Then there were all masturbation films, yes.”

How is that possible? “I think he may have wanted to make it more beautiful with a filter and then accidentally pressed post.”

“I always have!”

Presenter Gijs Groenteman: “Oh yes, I always have that too, hahaha.”

Britt: “From those ears on his l*l! haha.”

Fellow guest Emma Wortelboer laughs: “Yes, that is possible.”

Marcel: “What deserves our respect is that it has not prevented him from writing a great book in the meantime.”

Mediacourant would like to thank you very much for your frequent visit in the past year and wishes you a joyous new year. See you in 2023! ?
