Britt Dekker demolished in podcast Yvonne: ‘Arrogant piece of food!’

Britt Dekker is completely put through the wringer in the immer juicy podcast by Yvonne Coldeweijer. Her co-host Mark Koster has had it with her: “Arrogant piece of shit!”

© Podimo, William Rutten

Where her TVbestie Wendy van Dijk is keeping quiet these days, Britt Dekker still has a lot to learn in the PR field. She has been completely pissed off this week because she has received some criticism from Angela de Jong and Rick Romijn. The AD opinion diva thinks she’s a fake girl, the Radio 538 megastar thinks she’s unkind in real life.

‘It’s an act’

Yvonne Coldeweijer understands that Britt’s popularity is under pressure. “He was criticized and they can’t stand that, the celebrities,” she notes in her podcast The Juice Show.

Co-host Mark Koster comments: “No, well, I think Britt Dekker is unauthentically authentic. So she acts like she’s normal all the time. Push a little hard.”

Yvonne: “She’s acting silly, isn’t she?”

Mark: “She acts silly to get away with it. I am the only Dutchman who, when I saw her for the first time at De Wereld Draait Door, thought: yes, but this is a game.”

Yvonne: “It’s an act.”

‘Very fake’

Britt responds very calculatedly to what people like at home, Yvonne thinks. “She just knows the effect of: if I do that, people think I’m cute and funny. She also tries to be a little unapologetic very honest and then get away with it. It is a nice image that she has built. But it is fake.”

And Angela de Jong does not fall for that. Mark: “Aunt Angela sees through people. That cardboard comes off and then we look at the great void. And that is what Angela de Jong describes time and time again. And I think it’s funny that a Britt Dekker like that doesn’t say: ‘Yes, I’ll turn it on a bit.’ No, she’s still trying to maintain it.”

Yvonne: “And that shows that it’s right. So she actually makes it worse, I think. But there is only a certain percentage of society that understands what is happening here.”

Quite a large percentage, Mark actually thinks. “They feel that. They know that Britt Dekker is a game.”

Very striking

Britt has been trying to put a white foot on the juice channels this week by writing: “I am also a Juice Channels addict and I follow everything and even though they are spicy for celebrities, they are giving us a nice re-education camp since many things are not normal but we thought it was all possible haha ​​🍀”

Mark: “That is very striking. Britt Dekker therefore places herself outside society, because she writes about ‘us’. ‘Our special creatures.’”

Yvonne: “What you look up to!”

Mark: “What you have to look up to. But I act very normal, but look up to me.”

Yvonne: “Yes, yes, yes, that’s it.”

To girl

Mark can’t stand it. “That’s the bad thing about that girl. I hate it. I do not like it. And that she also kind of… Then she calls your work, or that of your colleagues, ‘re-education camps’.”

Yvonne: “She does. That’s strategic. She takes us right away and because we are mentioned she hopes that we then… Because I saw it on Juice Channel, they give in immediately. He said: ‘It’s not all that bad, what Britt is doing.’ He said: ‘Haha, re-education camp.’ He was proud that a Dutch celebrity had mentioned them.”

Mark: “Yes, exactly, the mountain bends down…”

Yvonne: “And see us. I thought it was smart to call it “us.” And then I say ‘us’ at the juice channels.”

‘Arrogant piece of shit’

Rick Romijn’s story is also typical, says Mark. He’s seen Britt up close and watched her refuse to take pictures with fans. “By the way, we have to do a shout-out. I like that Rick Romijn, because he is a bit what we are. A bit like the boy who thinks: stop with that nonsense.”

All in all, Mark is well done with that Britt. “That Britt, that is just an arrogant piece of shit. Isn’t that right? You hear that from all sides.”
