Britt Dekker caught lying again? ‘Efteling story is not correct!’

Britt Dekker is increasingly associated with lying stories. Did she lie again in the talk show Marcel & Gijs? Was she really stuck in a roller coaster of De Efteling? There is doubt…


It is undeniable that Britt Dekker has to work hard on her reliability, because she has already been caught several times spreading lying gossip. She herself got a lawyer on her roof in 2019 when she unfoundedly accused TV jurors of a cooking show on RTL 4 of coke use.

Lies from Britt

Britt expressed another serious unfounded gossip in 2021, when she claimed that sexually transgressive behavior had taken place at the RTL 4 program Expeditie Robinson. There, a cameraman is said to have abused his position of power by allowing himself to be satisfied by a hungry candidate in exchange for a Mars.

And just a week ago, Britt was reprimanded by her SBS 6 colleague Sam Hagens. Britt has been gossiping that Sam would have put himself forward to present the channel’s discarded walking show, but that he was found to be ‘underweight’. And according to Sam, that is not true at all.

Efteling lie?

Britt now once again arouses suspicion with a pretty strong story. She was on the talk show Monday night Marcel & Gijs and shouted there: “On my eighteenth birthday I went to Efteling with friends. Then I was stuck, for hours and hours, at the top of the Python.”

Table companion Domien Verschuuren: “No! That’s my wet dream!”

Gijs Groenteman: “Huh?! You got stuck in Python?”

Domien: “On the elevator hill Real? Up the hill?”

Britt: “Yes, I was stuck there.”

‘No one will!’

Domien, who is also an amusement park enthusiast in addition to 3FM DJ, then: “Isn’t that great?! No one cares! And Britt lived through it! What did you think?”

Britt: “It was February 24, it was really not fun, because of course you are super stuck. At a certain point you think: what if, for example, a bird starts to shit? You can’t do anything! It’s just scary.”

Gijs: “How long did it take?”

Britt: “About three, four hours.”

Gijs: “My God and how did you manage to get out of it in the end?”

Britt: “Ehm, well we did get a cup of chocolate milk and then at one point he said ehhh, an English person, ehhh: ‘You go.And then we went again. Yes.”

‘Sucked out of thumb’

Loopings, one news site about the attraction sector, argues that this cannot be right. “The question is whether Dekker is telling the truth. Given her age, the incident should have taken place on February 24, 2010, but Efteling was closed at that time. The winter season ended that year on January 31, after which the gates remained closed until April 1.”

And also: “Moreover, there are no known stories about the Python standing still for hours with passengers in it. Dekker probably largely made up the story or at least grossly exaggerated it.”

On 21st birthday

Looopings has now adjusted this reporting, because Britt seems to have made a mistake. It would have taken place on her 21st birthday, on February 24, 2013. She did indeed have one on that day tweet sent over: “STUCK IN THE PYTON ON YOUR BIRTHDAY FOR A LONG TIME!!!! Just not evacuated!!!”

Looopings maintains that Britt is at least exaggerating this story: “There are no known stories of the Python sitting still for hours with passengers in it.”


At the time, Britt was in Efteling for a video on the park’s YouTube channel:
