Britse regering prohibits hondenras American Bully XL in two different incidents | Buitenland

The Britse regering has the best list of the two American Bully XL models. According to the rule of thumb, he comes to the right place and is also well worth it.

The American Bully XL has gained popularity in the United Kingdom during the corona crisis. These incidents are real events that have been recorded. The two of them have at least a few beds, but they are also fatal.

The British Ministry of the Environment is now available on January 1, 2009. It is published by the dogs, the adopters of the eighth edition. The rule of thumb is to pass in England and Wales.

Vraagtekens bij verbod

On February 1st, the dog will be verboden. I would like to have a house with the laten inslapen in a house. It can be used in a vrijstelling way, so that it can be sterilized and stored in the open bar.

Wetenschappers and dierenrechtenorganizations recognize that the dog can be used, the places where the rights are attached to the verb. This means that the aggressive behavior in the first places can be explained as bad training for the owners. Ze vrezen also dat fokkers gewoon to other gevaarlijke breeds zullen overstappen.
