Britse grandma (68) doodgebeten door two dogs na bezoek bij Kleinzoon | Buitenland

The Britse Esther Martin (68) was on the weekend on her own with her hair in a small zoo, and she was treated to two children. The 39-year-old owner of the dog is in a package for the protection of the dog. This shows the politics of the county of Essex.

The 68-year-old Esther Martin had no hair, 11-year-old children, and two dogs. Omstaanders probeerden de vrouw nog te redden, maar the hulp bleek tevergeefs. Esther tierf ter plekke.

Volgens Sonia Martin (47), the daughter of the woman, she has two dogs in the American Bully XL, but the politics can’t be confirmed. The owner of the dogs is a family member of the family. Hij will be oppacked. Zijn two dogs must have been gedood, aldus de politie.

“He was a large ‘XL bully’ in his house and my mother had his own erop, which was very violent and aggressive,” said Sonia on the BBC. “He were also zes puppy’s.” Martin thinks that the puppy’s had spoken to one of the dogs who had their own hair on them. “Toen werd ze aangevallen,” explains hair daughter. Hair needs to be “screaming about the sound of the house and the sound”.

The Britse regering treedt strictly op tegen honden which as gevaarlijk has been schouwd, en hun bezitters. This comes from a variety of different dodelijke aanvallen de afgelopen maanden.

KIJK OOK. The American Bully XL is sold to the United Kingdom.

LEES OOK. Britse regering prohibits dogs from American Bully XL in two separate incidents
