Britney Speas, set the date of the wedding with Sam Asghari

THEthe scent of orange blossom is already in the air for Britney Spears. The pregnant pop star is in the phase of wedding preparations with fiance Sam Asghari. And, according to the rumors revealed on social media, the two will get married very soon.

Britney Spears, the engagement announcement (with the fairytale diamond)

Britney Spears, sets the wedding date …

The first clue about the imminent marriage was given by the future husband. Which, among the Stories from Instagram, shared an image of the couple with a caption that speaks volumes about their intentions. “The big day has been setWrote Sam Asghari. By piquing the curiosity of followers.

… But it’s top secret

But no one will know until the next day “ added the pop star’s future spouse. Words that leave no doubt: we will know everything only after the fact.

Britney Spears 2016 Billboard Music Awards - Arrivals

Britney Spears at the Billboard Music Awards in 2016 (Photo by C Flanigan / Getty Images)

But one suspicion remains: will the two manage not to miss anything about the fateful date? Apparently, in fact, they want to share a lot of details about the yes day with their followers. Keeping the secret could be really difficult.

The wedding veil

Among the clues shared on social networks by the singer, then, there is also the detail of the veil that will be part of her wedding dress.

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“Meet Wendy,” he wrote on Instagram sharing the picture of her kitten. “And yes, what you see is the veil of my wedding dress»He added, showing the classic white veil, the symbol of the most beautiful dress. Dress that will be made for her by Donatella Versace, as revealed by the pop star herself. That, between pregnancy and wedding, she is living her dream of love.

