Britney Spears, off Instagram. But what happened to the star? iO Woman

ORps, she did it again. Britney Spears, 40, “did it again”, taking a cue from the title of one of his most famous songs. The pop star has managed to amaze – and worry – her fans once again erasing his profile suddenly and without any explanation Instagram.

Followed by several million peopleBritney Spears has her official profile – the one that’s gone – but there is at least one hundreds of other accounts dedicated to the singer by her fanswho follow and venerate it since its inception, in 1999, with Baby one more time.

Since yesterday, as the site first noted TMZspecialized in the news of the Hollywood world, the star’s profile no longer exists. “Sorry, this page isn’t available»Says the wording if you try to look for it. The question everyone is asking now is: why the singer would have deleted her account right now that his life is finally taking the turn he wanted?

Britney Spears, the most sparkling looks of the queen of pop

Britney Spears seemed in a happy time

The artist got rid of the conservatorship – or of the paternal yoke – is experiencing one seemingly happy love story with his Sam Asghari, who has just asked her to marry him and is spending time with long periods in beautiful exotic places (under).

In recently posted Instagram videos, he dances, jokes, sings, every now and then he allows himself some vent against her family, who subjugated her for years by taking advantage of her income. Which forced her to perform too when he was mentally unwellthat he lived on income behind him.

“I gave it my all when I worked just to be literally thrown away… I was none other than one puppet for my family“, had written. «But for the audience I only performed on stage and I did what I was told to do“.

britney spears

Britney Spears at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. (LaPresse)

Unsustainable rhythms of life

Just a few weeks ago, Britney Spears she had written that she was back in Las Vegas, for the first time as a tourist instead of as a performer. The singer has a relationship of love Hate with this city: lovebecause it has decreed her success by making her exhibit as a resident starbut also hateWhy here he spent his darkest yearsforced to the paternal will and unsustainable work rhythms.

britney spears

Britney performing in New York (Photo by Kevin Mazur / WireImage)

“I used to work seven days a week, from morning to evening, without stopping», He had told about that period. “I had to change my clothes in front of everyonewithout a minimum of privacy “.

In the past few days, she had appeared on Instagram completely naked, and the images had a little unsettled his followers. But she was smiling, she seemed fine. That she is looking right now, all of a sudden, for the privacy that has been denied to her for years?

