Britney Spears is divorcing from Sam Asghari

britney Spears and Sam Asghari They split up, and second tmz extension he’d already filed divorce papers. But what brought the couple to breakup after only 14 months of marriage? According to the American gossip site, the decision came after a furious argument with treason charges.

Britney Spears, the engagement announcement (with the fairytale diamond)

Britney Spears and the quarrel with Sam Asghari

According to sources cited by tmz extensionabout a week ago the 29-year-old actor and model asked his 41-year-old wife about the persistent rumors of betrayal on her part. A furious argument ensued from the confrontation at the end of which Sam Ashgari left home slamming the door. In reality, for some months already, it seems, there was a tide within the couple. According to the American press, he spent the night at home less and less often. And in parallel the clashes – even physical ones – with Britney Spears were increasingly frequent, who would have let herself go on several occasions to hysterical scenes.

The faith has been taken away

A few hours after the publication of the news of the separation between the two, a confirmation came from the fact that Britney Spears was photographed while, driving her Mercedes, she no longer had the wedding ring on her finger. A circumstance that had already occurred other times for both the pop star and her (almost ex) husband, and which in one case Sam Asghari justified by saying that he had taken off his ring because he was shooting a film. But that on this occasion the absence of the wedding ring obviously takes on a very different meaning. And for the music star this is the third divorce after the marriage of a few hours with Jason Allen Alexander in 2004 and the separation from Kevin Federline in 2007.

He filed the divorce papers

So much so that, a few hours later, Sam Asghari filed divorce papers from Britney Spears mentioning “irreconcilable differences” as a reason for the end of the marriage. In the documentation, the model of Iranian origin asks the pop star for maintenance and payment of legal costs. But according to the American press, his lawyer leaked the news that Sam will contest the prenup the pop star made him sign, which requires her assets to remain a separate property and unassailable in the event of divorce.

Obviously, it is highly unlikely that a judge could declare the prenuptial agreement null and void, also because possibly, given her past, the psychologically weak party would be Britney Spears and certainly not her husband. But the real objective of the dispute would be to obtain a substantial extrajudicial “severance pay” in addition to the maintenance allowance.

