British tourist (21) dies in Greece after being hit by helicopter rotor | Abroad

According to the Greek police, the accident happened on Monday evening around 6:20 pm at the airport in Spata, about 20 kilometers from Athens. The Briton had flown from Mykonos to Spata with his travel partners. When the victim got out of the helicopter, he made his way to the rear of the aircraft. However, the engines were still running, so the twenty-something was hit by the rear rotor.

The emergency services arrived as quickly as possible, but determined that the Briton had died instantly.

Greek police have opened an investigation into the exact circumstances of the fatal accident. The pilot of the helicopter will also be questioned. For example, it is not clear why he let the passengers alight while the rotors were still spinning.

The victim’s parents were in a second helicopter just behind the one their son was in. When the pilot was informed of the drama, he decided to land at Athens International Airport. In this way he wanted to avoid that his passengers had to face the badly damaged body of their son.
