British shipwreck

When the fall of the British prime minister was already inexorable after withdraw from the program in its entirety With which she had been elected by her peers, Liz Truss shortened her agony and tendered her resignation. She did it last Thursday, after meeting with Graham Bradypresident of the 1922 Parliamentary Committee, which is made up of ‘Tory’ deputies without a government position, who conveyed the general feeling after the fiasco of his budget and the resignations of Kwasi Kwartengas Secretary of the Treasury and Suella Braverman, as head of the Interior. The race for the succession of Truss has already begun, with Rishi Sunak, the former Minister of Finance, as the great favorite. The mere possibility of a return of Boris Johnson investigated for lying to Parliament about parties in Downing Street during the pandemic marks, however, the farce that British politics has become.

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