British Prime Minister Johnson receives corona fine, Labor leader demands resignation

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been fined for violating the corona rules at parties organized at the Prime Minister’s residence. A British government spokesman told Reuters news agency that. In addition to Johnson, Rishi Sunak, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, was also fined. The amount of the fine has not yet been disclosed.

Labor opposition leader Keir Starmer says Johnson and Sunak should resign. He argues that both have broken the law and lied about it several times to the British people. British police opened an official investigation in January into several parties that took place during the lockdown at the British Prime Minister’s residence and other government buildings. The police have now reported more than fifty fines distributed to those attending the illegal parties.

In particular, Johnson came under fire for a party in May 2020, which he classified as a “work meeting,” and a birthday party the following month. During that period, gatherings with more than two people were prohibited. The affair rocked Johnson’s political position. The ‘work meeting’ turned out to be an occasion for which the Prime Minister’s personal secretary had circulated an email encouraging some 100 invitees to bring their own drinks. Johnson stated in January that he was present for 25 minutes, and apologized to the British Parliament.
