British Museum fires employee after missing jewelry and gems from storage

The British Museum in London has fired an employee after several works of art from the museum were “disappeared, stolen or damaged”, it said on Wednesday announced. These are gold jewellery, precious stones and glass from the period between the fifteenth and the nineteenth century, most of which were stored in one of the museum’s collections. The employee is suspected of having to do with the disappearance and damage to the documents.

In addition to the dismissal, the museum is also taking legal action against the former employee. In addition, an independent investigation has been launched, which should show how the British Museum can improve security. It is unclear exactly which objects have disappeared and been damaged, according to statements by the director of the British Museum, Hartwig Fischer: “We have already tightened our security and we are working with external experts to prepare a final report of what is missing, damaged and stolen.”

Earlier this year, the museum found out that the objects, which were mainly used for scientific research, had disappeared. Now the institution wants to find out how they disappeared and ensure that the missing objects are retrieved. “It will be painstaking work,” said Nigel Boardman, the ex-curator who will lead the independent investigation. He calls it a “top priority” and says to take as long as necessary.
