British DJ infected with omikron variant breaks corona rules in New Zealand Coronavirus what you need to know

Etheridge had traveled to New Zealand to perform at a festival on New Year’s Eve. He spent seven days in mandatory hotel quarantine and then had to self-isolate for another three days. However, the DJ went out of self-isolation before his latest test result and visited several crowded bars and restaurants in Auckland, the largest city in the country. He then turned out to test positive for the virus.

Corona minister Chris Hipkins calls it “very disappointing” and calls on everyone to continue to follow the corona measures. “Covid-19 is not done with us yet.” The country managed to keep the omikron variant of the coronavirus out of the mandatory isolation of foreign travelers until now.

In a post on social media, Etheridge apologized. He has since been quarantined again and is “terribly sorry”.


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