British Defense Minister responded to Shoigu’s invitation

British Defense Minister Ben Wallace will visit Russia and meet with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. About this he informed in an interview with the BBC.

According to the minister, he does not count on a diplomatic breakthrough, but he hopes that there is still a chance to stop Russia’s “invasion” of the territory of Ukraine. “I’m not at all optimistic,” Wallace said.

Shoigu invited British Defense Minister Wallace to talks in Moscow

Last week, the British minister invited Shoigu to London to discuss the situation in Ukraine. The Russian Defense Minister, in a reply letter, confirmed his “readiness to discuss all topical security issues”, but offered to hold talks in Moscow “at any time convenient for the British Minister of Defense.” Shoigu added that the resumption of contacts in the spirit of goodwill between Russia and the UK would help reduce tensions in Europe.

Last December, the Russian Foreign Ministry sent proposals to the US and NATO on security guarantees. Among the demands of Moscow was the non-expansion of NATO to the East and the refusal of the countries of the bloc from military activities in Ukraine.


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