British Defense: “Increasingly difficult for Kremlin to shield population from war in Ukraine” | War Ukraine and Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far tried to keep the war as far away from everyday life in Russia as possible. After all, a far-from-your-bed show prevents outrage and protest. But economic sanctions and the “partial mobilization” last fall caught up with him.

The leader of the parliamentary committee dealing with the “special military operation” in Ukraine reported last Thursday that the committee had presented a report to Putin. According to the British Defense, this probably concerns matters such as social support for mobilized persons and their families. “This problem is likely to become more significant if there was further mobilization (overt or tacit),” the British report read.

According to the British, it is possible that Putin will refer to this when he gives his annual speech to the nation next Tuesday.

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The Kremlin has always denied that there will be a second mobilization after 300,000 reservists were called up last year. Although the Ministry of Defense indicated that the ‘partial mobilization’ was over, it was never made official. What’s more, in the mobilization decree there is a secret paragraph, and it is precisely the one that specifies the number of Russians who can be called up to arms. That leads analysts to suspect that the actual number is well above 300,000.
