British authorities alert the population about dead birds on beaches

06/15/2022 at 10:26


Authorities have warned people not to pick up dead birds and keep their dogs away

The deaths are believed to be linked to an outbreak of bird flu.

People have been told not to touch or let their dogs near dead or sick seabirds they find along the northeast coast. More gannets, razorbills and guillemots have been found at Seaton Point, near Boulmer in Northumberland, and on Seaton Carew Beach in Hartlepool.

Some of the seabirds found on Teesside have been collected by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). The specimens will be examined as part of your wild bird surveillance study. “We would ask people to please not touch or pick up dead birds or visibly sick and also keep their dogs away from them.

The latest findings follow a series of seabird carcasses washed up along the northeast coast a week ago. The deaths are feared to be linked to an outbreak of bird flu in Scotland. which has caused the death of hundreds of birds.
