Brigadier General: Reluctance to assess Ukraine offensive

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The head of the Ukraine Situation Center in the Defense Ministry, Brigadier General Christian Freuding, has urged restraint when assessing the Ukrainian offensive against Russia. “We have to be a bit careful so that we don’t become presumptuous in judging Ukrainian tactics from the Berlin summer terrace,” Freuding said on Sunday evening in the ARD “Report from Berlin”. Ukrainians have paid a heavy price in this war for over 400 days. “And I think we have neither the perspective nor the right to judge the actions of the Ukrainian units in terms of whether they were good, bad, appropriate or inappropriate.”

According to Freuding, Ukraine is very restrictive about information about the situation. “We call it militarily “operational security.” Of course, that’s understandable, because otherwise the enemy could draw conclusions from it.” However, he does not want to agree with the verdict that Ukraine’s actions are not going so well. There is a regaining of the initiative by the Ukrainian armed forces and first attack successes. “But we also saw that the defensive positions of the Russian armed forces were very well prepared.” The Ukrainian forces are currently consolidating to see where and with what they have succeeded./seb/DP/he
