Bridget Maasland will remain normal

Eva Jinek may be running, but Bridget Maasland, who she hates so much, will remain on board at RTL 4. “Because I just signed up for three years.”


What Eva Jinek is to the late evening of RTL 4, Bridget Maasland is to a lesser extent to the eve of the TV channel: an important link. She is one of the four presenters of RTL Boulevard, which still achieves sky-high market shares, especially in the commercial target group.

Bridget stays

RTL 4 hoped to keep both ladies in the house and where Eva leaves, Bridget stays. “This was RTL Boulevard. I’m going on vacation,” she said in last night’s broadcast.

Colleague Lex Uiting then: “But you will come back to us after the holidays? Because I believe your contract expires this summer, right?”

Bridget: “Hahaha. Yes I will definitely come back again, yes. I have no other negotiations, because I have just signed for three years, so I will just stay.”

Round of champagne

Lex thinks it’s a festive moment. “Ooo, so you’re giving a round of champagne in a minute!”

Bridget, who no longer drinks alcohol herself, then: “Yes, we’re going to do that for a while! Pleasant!”

Lex: “Congratulations, Bridget Maasland.”

For the time being, it seems that Bridget will continue to do her monthly RTL Boulevard week. The presenter seems to be satisfied with that meager program package, because this way she has a lot of time for her son Mees, with whom she is now traveling to Japan.


Eva won’t be sad that she won’t have to run into Bridget again at staff meetings. In her eyes, the Boulevard presenter has ‘completely disqualified’ by delivering ‘messy work’.

The fact that Eva was expected to speak to the people of Boulevard as an important RTL 4 face, a program in which there is a lot of gossip about her, was partly responsible, according to Rob Goossens, for the talk show diva no longer feeling comfortable with RTL. After the turn of the year she will start working for AvroTros.

‘She already knew’

According to Rob, Eva had known this for a while. “I found out that she already went to the notary in May to set up a company. Of course, that could indicate that she would start producing something herself. Her manager says: ‘She set up this BV because she wants to continue with her newsletter and then process the data of her subscribers.’”

Bridget: “But you generally don’t set up a BV for that, do you?”

Rob: “If that is the reason for her: fine of course, but it is a bit crazy, because why are you at the notary in May to process the data of a newsletter that is currently being delivered by RTL? Yes, that indicates a bit that she already knew then that she was going to leave.”
