Bridget Maasland stops drinking regular Coca-Cola Zero

Bridget Maasland immediately stopped drinking regular Coca-Cola Zero. As part of her healthy lifestyle, she only buys the version without caffeine.


We can learn a lot from celebrities. What is healthy and what is unhealthy? They often know it all. For example, according to Quinty Trustfull, it is extremely unhealthy to drink water from your shower head, Daphne Deckers points out the dangers of red wine and the Frogers swear by a piece of fried fish on Saturdays.

Healthy Bridget

Bridget Maasland, who was recently reprimanded for giving health advice to her followers, now advises people to stop drinking regular Coca-Cola Zero. “I have always been concerned with healthy food, just like my parents, who consciously dealt with it from an early age,” she explains.

She continues in it A.D: “We got food from health food stores and ate organic. They became vegetarian twenty years ago, I joined a few years later. I didn’t eat fish for a while, but I still found that difficult. Especially in restaurants you often get a vegetable mess.”

Zero without caffeine

Lately, Bridget has also become the poster child for alcohol-free living. “I have been a teetotaler for two years and have not been able to cope very well since the menopause. Others sometimes find that boring and no longer invite me to a party. That was a lonely battle in the beginning, but I now have much more energy and can handle the day better.”

And so she continues to fine-tune her diet. What has she done now? “I have now also stopped caffeine. I get caffeine-free Coke Zero.”


Ah, so the caffeine in Coca-Cola Zero is bad, but all those colorings and sweeteners such as aspartame and acesulfame-K are in line with a healthy lifestyle? Look, we’ve learned something from this…

Finally: how is Bridget’s health? Quite nice, but unfortunately she suffers from a number of family ailments. “Diabetes on my father’s side, facial pain on my mother’s side. Complaints during menstruation and menopause: from the mother’s side.”
