Bridget Maasland lashes out at Yvonne Coldeweijer

Bridget Maasland lashes out at Yvonne Coldeweijer. She thinks the juice queen’s apologies about her slip up during the Apple Store hostage crisis are “talked after the fact.”


At the end of February, a little over a week after she was sitting next to Bridget Maasland behind the desk of RTL Boulevard, Yvonne Coldeweijer made a small slip up by posting sensitive information in the Apple Store during the hostage situation. She indicated where the dozens of employees of the electronics store were hiding.

Yvonne is sorry

Two months later, Yvonne gives in the POM podcast that she regrets it. “I do regret the Apple Store comment about the hostage situation. The counter voice was: ‘Hello, you’re putting those people in danger, because now the hostage-taker knows where they are!’ I thought: of course it’s not scrolling on Life of Yvonne! That’s what I thought.”

Now she is in something different. “I understand that sometimes I may not fully realize – it may sound a bit arrogant – the impact of what I do. A friend of his who might know what he is doing can take a screenshot and WhatsApp it.”

on the leaves

Alexander Klöpping, who knows everything about WhatsApp and related matters, thinks that is indeed a realistic scenario. “From: ‘There are fifty!’”

Yvonne: “Yeah, I wasn’t like that… At that moment I just wanted to reassure everyone of: ‘Guys, they’re safe!’ But ehhh, I completely understand that I had to sit on the blisters for that, yes.”


TV connoisseur Rob Goossens says in RTL Boulevard that he sees self-reflection with Yvonne. “Yes, there seems to be a bit of a turnaround. I hear and notice that Gossip Talk, for example, is also starting to look a bit differently at how they share stories.”

He continues: “Yvonne has not only talked about those Apple Store images, but also, for example, about the Danny de Munk case, of which she says: ‘If I had known this was the impact, I might have had one. brooding for a week longer.’ In the end I think everything will be fine.”

Bridget critical

Bridget Maasland is a lot more critical in it. She thinks that Yvonne can easily get rid of this. “Isn’t that always a bit of a talk afterwards? Because you know what the impact of these kinds of channels is nowadays, right?”

Her TV friend Clarice Stenger: “And the impact on their wallets.”

Rob: “In that respect I would say: listen to the entire podcast, because I believe that she has not realized it and that she has only now realized the impact she has. That just seems healthy to me.”


So Yvonne and Bridget met at Boulevard just before that Apple hostage situation. According to AD diva Angela de Jong, that was very painful. “Bridget looked at her so dirty and distant that I really thought: she’s breathing new life into the whole image of a living refrigerator. I enjoyed it immensely.”

That was later denied by Yvonne. “Bridge has been very professional and friendly towards me! We chatted for a while and she also helped me and gave me tips, so I didn’t really experience it that way.”


Yvonne in the podcast:
