Bridget Maasland angry with Grazia magazine: ‘How silly!’

Bridget Maasland is very pissed off at the editors of Grazia. She is not happy with the headline above an article about her performance in the Lago di Beau program. “How incredibly stupid to explain this!”

© Instagram, RTL

It was the flop of Christmas Day: Bridget Maasland crying in her bikini next to a swimming pool. Her umpteenth lament about the media attention for her broken relationship with André Hazes Jr. attracted little attention. After the conscious broadcast of ‘Lago di Beau’, many articles appeared on the internet, including in magazine Grazia.

Blackest time ever

Bridget was asked in Beau van Erven Dorens’ program about the darkest time in her life. She then mentioned her divorce and the media attention for ‘Brazes’. “Not even that relationship, because I really liked that. That’s not even what makes it tough, but what came over me afterwards,” she explained.

It led to several headlines in the media. Grazia opted for: ‘Bridget Maasland about breakup with André Hazes: ‘Blackest time ever”, while her own RTL Boulevard headlined: ‘Bridget Maasland had ‘blackest time ever’ after breakup with André Hazes’.

Bridget angry

Bridget is now very pissed off about Grazia’s head. “So I did not say this in the interview with Beau”, the presenter yells in her stories on Instagram.

She continues: “How incredibly silly to explain this. I was just answering a question from Beau. And I didn’t even say this. I found everything that came after that and I got over me heavy, not what is written here!!!”


Isn’t it a bit hypocritical that a presenter from RTL Boulevard, of all people, complains about clickbait? Really all show media have a hand in that, including Bridget’s own show section.

The presenter: “I never really respond to gossip, assumptions, words that are twisted for clickbaits, but I thought this was too good an example with Isola di Beau still fresh in my mind.”

Furthermore, Bridget does not want to waste any more words on it. She is on vacation with her son. “So and now we are going to enjoy New York!”

Article removed

The juice channels think Bridget is a bit nagging. “Why Bridget directs her anger at Grazia is unclear. The entire media has the same headline and the content is the same. The source is literally your own employer,” according to Reality FBI.

And Juice Channel: “Where is this suddenly coming from? Or is it a smart move so that people will watch the episode again since it was poorly viewed last weekend?

Grazia has since taken the article offline.
