Bridget Maasland and Chantal Janzen get a big slap on the fingers

Bridget Maasland and Chantal Janzen, just like colleague Linda de Mol, get a big slap on the fingers of a columnist from NPO Radio 1. “Do you think it’s strange that young girls are so insecure?”


Janneke de Bijl, columnist of NPO Radio 1, finds it a relief that we have seen so much of the Orange Women in recent weeks. Such a Jill Roord with a spirited opinion about the national coach is to be welcomed, she thinks. “Instead of someone who has had a little too much media training, we suddenly see a real woman with just an opinion.”

Bridget and Chantal

Much better than all those fake women in the TV world, says Janneke. “Because of their fun, I suddenly realize how one-sided the image of women that we normally get presented in the media is. The Chantal Janzens, Linda de Mollen, Bridget Maaslands and associates with whom every smile and every movement and every tuft of hair has been rehearsed, styled and prepared.”

Those kinds of people are horrible, Janneke thinks. “Women who smile all the time, who know exactly what the best side of their face is and who think that getting your nails done is a real thing.”

Loose strand of hair

It is according to Janneke fake. “Women with two straight bars above their eyes to represent eyebrows. Women with tanned skin that anticipates skin cancer. Women who pull back a loose strand of hair on their faces, but never behind their ears, because people will soon see that they have ears!”

And what does she think is the worst? “I think the worst thing about these overconscious women is that in interviews they often casually claim that they do the botox and the filters ‘purely for themselves’.”

Botox and fillers

You never do Botox and fillers for yourself, explains Janneke. “As if anyone would have come up with this on their own if it hadn’t been the ideal image. And above all as if it were a neutral act, an individual choice. That’s not it.”

She continues: “By taking part you are helping to create a new standard. That norm is that we will soon consider wrinkles and thin lips as unkempt. Do you find it strange that young girls are so insecure?”


And that’s why the Orange Women are such a relief, says Janneke. “Women with sweaty faces, women who frown because they are tense and focus on the game rather than how they come across. And then they don’t laugh, because sometimes there’s nothing to laugh about.”

In fact, you should simply remove the ‘Chantal Janzens, Linda de Mollen, Bridget Maaslands and associates’ from the tube without hesitation and replace them with the Orange Women, says Janneke. “Please give all these women their own TV show after their football career.”


The angry columnist of NPO Radio 1:
