Bridges of Light: a path to independence for people with disabilities

We are born as absolutely dependent beings. As we grow, the main objective of the human being is to develop to break those ties and be able to function independently in life. This path seems obvious, but when a person suffers from a disability, that goal becomes more difficult to achieve, especially in a society where discrimination against people with different abilities is still entrenched.

In this context, NGOs provide a great contribution and the presence of the State covers its shortcomings. But, what happens when those who have the obligation to help those who need it most end up creating a greater obstacle to the work of individuals who only intend to provide greater support to people with disabilities? And what is worse, when the State treats these NGO’s as if they were private companies? It is the case of bridges of light and many non-governmental organizations in Argentina.

What is Bridges of Light?

bridges of light is a non-profit civil organization, created in 2006 by a group of parents from people with disabilities in San Martin de los Andes (and surroundings), who decided to join efforts to improve the quality of life of their children and others in a similar situation. Since then, he has worked hard to give all the differently-abled people who come to the place a chance. Its main objective: to ensure that everyone can fend for themselves and in a completely autonomous way.

To achieve autonomy you need to develop three aspects: education, work and food. Taking this into account, the NGO mentors began to include these aspects in their Day Center, to which attendees learn everything they need to survive without depending on anyone. And they also work with family members, since their understanding and support for young people is essential for their progress.

bridges of light

At the Day Center, young people learn mainly from coexistence and crafts, which is why one of the main objectives is focused on cooking, since they learn while preparing everything that is consumed there, either at lunch or snacks. But nothing is easy when resources are scarce and expenses grow as the project reaches more and more boys and girls with disabilities. And it was from this idea of ​​generating more income that Sabor Natural was born, a project that unites all aspects of self-sustainability, of the attendees as well as of the NGO. But in Argentina nothing is so easy.

What is Natural Flavor?

The garden was always one of the main objectives of work. There the boys learn to treat the land, to plant their own fruits and vegetables; and harvest them to later carry out different preparations and thus learn to cook themselves and eat well and healthy. Although they also have some animals such as sheep, a goat, chickens and some rabbits, which contribute so much to the interaction of people with disabilities.

bridges of light

It was through the plantations that the idea of ​​producing jams to sell arose. But then another crossroads was born: how to make a different product in a market overloaded with offers from hundreds of mega-industries? And this is where Natural flavor makes the difference.

Can you imagine combining flavors like pear and lavender or tomato and raspberry? Surely now that they read them in their minds it sounds strange, but the guys from bridges of light They not only tried it but also became a star product in San Martín de los Andes because they achieved unimaginable combinations that are also truly incredible. “Great, we have a great product to sell that will help us cover household expenses”, the NGO surely thought when trying their combinations. But that’s when another problem arose.

bridges of light

What the State does not give…

Puentes de Luz has the support of a large part of the community of San martin de los andes and that of famous chefs who every year participate in the Chefs & Foodies in which they teach to cook healthy food with products from the garden of bridges of light and in which funds are collected for the NGO that, although they are very valuable, are not enough to support the infrastructure and the professional and voluntary personnel that today work in the place.

bridges of light

With Natural flavor The idea was to cover the economic shortcomings to be able to continue growing and move faster with projects as important as the construction of houses so that young people with disabilities begin to take that great step of the independent visa. But when someone sells something, he has the obligation to pay all the corresponding taxes. And it does not matter if it is a multinational or a non-profit NGO. In other words, judges who earn millions of pesos do not pay earnings, but non-profit organizations that sell something to compensate for the contribution that the State must contribute almost 50% of what they invoice. Perhaps it would be interesting for some politician to generate a mechanism to, at least, reduce these withholdings as a contribution to people who do the work that the State does not do. But, for the moment, the reality is different.

How to collaborate with the work of Puente de Luz?

Anyone who is in San Martín de los Andes can visit the establishments of Puente de Luz (Calle sin nombre N° 95, Chacra 2) where Luis Rodríguez, executive director of the NGO, and his team, will receive them with great cordiality and will introduce them to the place, the plantations and the people with whom they work. And, right there, you can buy wonderful Natural Flavor products such as “pear and lavender”, “raspberry and pink pepper” and “hip and chia” jams, among others. Or also its renowned blend of spices.

bridges of light

In it Chapelco Airport there is also a store and you can even buy products from the website of Natural flavor Bridges of Light. But that is not the only way, since although any contribution is always valuable, donations can also be made through the official page of bridges of light. And if you own one SME (or Multinational) who wishes to collaborate either with inputs, machinery or materials can also be contacted directly by email ([email protected]) or phone +54 02972-420-242. Because together we can make the lives of those who need it the most the right one.

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