“Bridge loan with the banks has not yet been completed”: INEOS CEO threatens to pull the plug on the project | Domestic

Earlier this summer, more specifically at the end of July, there was already a similar conversation with the INEOS leader to discuss the file. That was after the Council for Permit Disputes annulled the environmental permit for the chemical giant’s much-discussed ethane cracker in Antwerp.

According to Gazet Van Antwerpen, Ratcliffe said during the new consultation that the guarantee should be in place in the coming days. Otherwise he would pull the plug on the project.

However, according to several people involved, INEOS has still not reached an agreement with the banks about the bridging loan. The company received a guarantee of 500 million euros from Flanders. Of these, 75 million have already been activated. The remaining amount is available as a guarantee for the bridging loan.

Next week, the various cabinets involved will also meet to discuss the appropriate assessment of the project. After all, according to the Council for Permit Disputes, this was inadequate. This week it will be examined how the assessment can be adjusted to comply, and whether a nitrogen decree is required for this.

LOOK. Everything you need to know about the problems surrounding Ineos
