Bridge days: This means you get more time off with fewer vacation days

If you want to get more out of your vacation days, you should definitely take bridge days into account when planning your vacation. Depending on the federal state, you can even plan up to twice as many vacation days if you use all bridge days.

2024 is also a suitable year for employees to make the most of a few days of vacation. The federal state with the most public holidays is Bavaria with twelve public holidays. Residents of the city of Augsburg can look forward to 13 public holidays due to the Augsburg Peace Festival.

Easter holidays/h2>

Easter is a particularly good time to get the most out of just a few days of vacation. Both Good Friday (March 29, 2024) and Easter Monday (April 1, 2024) are national public holidays. Since Easter Sunday (March 31, 2024) always falls on a Sunday anyway, in most cases you don’t need to take a vacation. Anyone who invests nine vacation days to take time off from March 25th to 28th and April 2nd to 5th will ultimately have a total of 16 days off in a row (from March 23rd to April 7th).

New Year

Even at the turn of the year 2024/2025, more days off can be gained with fewer vacation days. Anyone who registers for vacation on December 27th, 30th and 31st and January 2nd and 3rd can take twelve days off with just five days of vacation due to the Christmas and New Year holidays. Due to the “Three Kings” holiday (January 6th) in Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Saxony-Anhalt, the number of days off increases to 13.

Individual public holidays in the first half of the year

But individual public holidays are also suitable for saving vacation days. Anyone who lives in Berlin can use March 8, 2024, International Women’s Day, to have nine days off from March 2 to 10 with just four days of vacation submitted.

Since the nationwide holiday “Ascension of Christ” (May 9, 2024) falls on a Thursday every year, this is perfect for getting a long weekend and therefore 4 days off with just one registered vacation day.

With Whit Monday (May 20th) you can get a total of nine days off from the four vacation days you submit. In Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, the holiday “Corpus Christi” (May 30th), similar to Ascension Day, can be used to create a long weekend with just one day, as this holiday also includes falls on a Thursday every year.

Individual public holidays in the second half of the year

In Bavaria and Saarland, “Assumption of Mary” (August 15th) is also a public holiday. Anyone who invests four days of vacation here can take a total of nine days off, from August 10th to 18th.

In Thuringia you can use four days of vacation around “World Children’s Day” (September 20th) and have nine days off.

Another nationwide holiday is the “Day of German Unity” (October 3rd). With four vacation days invested, you can go on vacation for nine days. “Reformation Day” (October 31st) is also in October, but is only considered a public holiday in the federal states of Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. With four days of vacation submitted, nine days of vacation can be taken here.

Some of the federal states that do not celebrate “Reformation Day” celebrate “All Saints Day” on November 1st instead. In Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, nine days of vacation can be taken with four vacation days used.

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