“Breng first bezoek aan Orbán”: Hongarije komt met nieuwe voorwaarde om Zweden toe te laten treden dead NAVO | Buitenland

Fidesz, the parliamentary fractie of the party of Orbán, made the vote on the Hongaarse omroep ATV. Naast Fidesz is also part of the Christian Democratic People’s Party KDNP in the government coalition.

Hongarije is the only one of the 31 NAVO-lidstats that the delivery of two countries still has no effect on. Boedapest draalt, want de regering zegt “beledigd” te zijn door critiek uit Zweden op de toestand van the Rechtsstaat in Hongarije.

Kristersson and Orbán took part in the EU-top margin in Brussels. The two premiers were born in person and had a “good conversation” with Hong Kong, unfortunately. Hij gaf wel aan pas naar Boedapest te willen reizen van zodra Hongarije het akkoord bekrachtigt.

The Hong Kong left-liberal opposition has a special parliamentary hearing from the Zweeds toetreding. The session is currently planned for February 5th. Fidesz and KDNP were not allowed to vote in parliament. Parliamentary representative László Kövér, a politician from Fidesz, should be able to speak to the opposite opposition.

In 2022, two countries in Finland will serve as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Finns are in the same year as NAVO.
