Bremer: “Juve in destiny? Yes, I also have a black and white dog”

The Brazilian’s first words as a Juventus player: “I am inspired by Chiellini. When I saw that Pogba and Di Maria arrived, I had no doubts about who to choose.”

Happy and ready for the new challenge. After signing, Bremer spoke for the first time as a Juventus player to the club’s official channels: “It’s a moment that has finally arrived, I’ve been waiting for. Juventus is a great team, I’m very happy and happy to be here – he said – . Juventus is a winning team, I also have the ambition to win. I talked a bit with Chiellini and I decided that Juventus was the best team for me. ”

The former Juventus captain, whose jersey number he inherits, will be a source of inspiration: “Of course, Chiellini is the best Italian defender, I’ve always said that. So I’m inspired a little by him and I try to do that. what he did here “. On the path taken so far: “I was with a good coach, he taught me things. I have been in Italy for four years and every year I have improved. Defensively I am more complete now”.

pogba and maria

On the new arrivals in Juventus: “When I saw that Pogba and Di Maria arrived, I had no doubts about who to choose. We are a team built to win.” Juve in destiny? “Yes, yes, I also have a dog that is black and white, it was in my destiny. Biggest dream? As I said, I always want to win, the Scudetto, the Champions League, I always want to win. This is my goal.”
