Bremer, Inter does not raise: Juve highest bid on the way

Greeted by De Ligt, signing with Bayern, the bianconeri shot for the Brazilian of Turin, raising the proposal to 40 million plus bonuses, to be formalized during the day. The Nerazzurri do not raise the stakes from the offer of 30 million plus Casadei and try to stay in the running

On the day when he greets Matthijs de Ligt, who had flown to Munich in the late afternoon, Juve takes a decisive step towards the number one candidate to be his replacement, that Bremer who has been promised to be the husband of Inter for months. The Nerazzurri do not give up the track that leads to the Brazilian defender of Turin, but the Bianconeri’s proposal has now jumped to pole, both on the club side and as regards the player. All in an intense market Monday, with plots worthy of a Grisham legal thriller.
