Breivik “niet suïcidaal”, aldus experts tijdens Rechtszaak | Buitenland

Anders Breivik, the right-wing extremist who died 77 years ago in 2011, is never depressed of suicide. Gezondheidsexperts show this Thursday in the court. Breivik heeft de Noorse Staat aangeklaagd om de stricte omstandigheden waarin hij wordt vastgehouden.

One of the investigators, one psychiatrist, vertelde de Rechtbank dat Breivik has different islands in the face of depression. The psychiatrist will have 21 sessions with Breivik in early 2022. It’s possible for Breivik to leave the house and put “laag” in it.

Breivik has his own prison sentence in an isolatiecel door. The two of them are on board and they are still driving. “I would like to die in another week in December and have to live,” said Breivik on the court.

LEES OOK. Tien jaar de aanslag door Anders Breivik: “Terrorist kwam kwam naar en eiland omdat hij het niet met ons eens was” (+)

The next day we had a psychiatrist with two tears over the tears that Breivik had for the week and the proceedings. “Totally onverwacht”, klonk het, gezien Breivik nooit emoties toonde of ze hem heeft zien huilen in all the years.

Breivik died in 2012 with a prison sentence of 21 years old. This penalty can still be lengd when the penalty is still in force and is used to prepare for seed lifting.
