Breeding season in the Fochteloërveen: ‘Peace and respect for nature’

The breeding season has started and that means extra care in nature reserves. Extra signs will be placed in the Fochteloërveen to remind visitors that dogs must be on a lead.

The period in which birds breed varies per species. It breeding season is therefore not a fixed period, but many bird species breed between mid-March and mid-July. Swamp birds and other waterfowl usually breed between early April and mid-August. Nests and eggs are legally protected during the entire breeding period.

In the Fochteloërveen, hefty work is on the agenda. Almost half of the quays that keep the water in the nature reserve are leaking and need to be replaced. But the breeding season is taken into account. “We are now mainly concerned with monitoring,” says forester at Natuurmonumenten Sietske Westerhof. “It is important that we keep a close eye on where the breeding grounds of the different species are. This will provide information for the work in the future to prevent digging in places where vulnerable species are.”

Visitors to the nature reserve should also be careful during the breeding season. “We would like to draw attention to this. Spring is of course the best time to go out,” says Westerhof. “But rest is important, have respect for nature’s nursery. That means: stay on the paths, keep your distance and make sure you don’t disturb anything.”

Colleague Rik Spijksma put up an extra sign so that it is clear to walkers that dogs must be on a lead, especially during the breeding season. “The largest part of our area consists of low vegetation and mainly ground brooders occur there,” explains Spijksma. “They are also very close to the paths. These are often the nests that people do not see and that means that you can easily disturb them without noticing it. This mainly concerns the stonechat, the bluethroat and the whinchat, which nowadays be scarce.”

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