Breathless – Helene Fischer is left breathless in the concert!

Helene Fischer during a concert in Berlin on May 30, 2023

Helene Fischer on stage (archive photo) Photo: dpa/picture alliance

By Jörg Ortmann

Hurtz, the voice was gone! Schlager superstar Helene Fischer (39) started the last five concerts of her European tour in Frankfurt on Tuesday.

The festival hall of the Main metropolis glowed, even vibrated, like a beehive with happiness. Helene Fischer, in her old home. She just couldn’t breathe!

But one after anonther. Because the first breakdown happened right at the beginning. The bright red curtain got stuck on the ceiling so badly that an employee shot out of the catacombs to tame it by hand. Cleared and warbled. A clear view of Helene, who confidently started with the number “Zero to 100”.

But suddenly there was sand in the vocal system, as if the evil octopus witch Ursula from Disney’s Ariel had a hand in it. Because she stole the mermaid’s wonderful voice.

Handkäs with music got stuck

All of a sudden she could only croak her title “Exactly this feeling” and finish it with the help of her dedicated fan audience. Helene explains: “I was immediately speechless. I think it’s so nice to be with you today. It was a piece of hand cheese with music that stuck straight in my throat, I think. So, my little frog has laid down. My little voice is now oiled.” Then nothing creaked anymore, but ran smoothly until the end.

A bit of hoarseness after almost 71 concerts in a row is not a drama, but rather human, because as Helene Fischer sings so beautifully: “Nobody is without mistakes”. And that’s what makes the intoxicating tour, which is trimmed to perfection, really likeable.


German celebrities Helene Fischer concert concert review
