Breast, how to take care of it at home with the right skincare

THEbreasts are one of the most delicate areas of the body, for this reason it deserves great and constant attention. Shape and compactness depend on several factors including the genetics, hormonal changes but also from diet and continuous weight fluctuations. How to take care of it, then? With a very specific routine, capable first of all of stimulating tissue oxygenation and promote hydration.

Breast, how to take care of it (always!)

The shape and firmness of the breast depend on both the pectoral muscle on which it rests both from the skin tissue that contains and supports it. Both undergo many changes over the course of their lives which consequently affect the appearance of the first signs of aging on the décolleté.

«This area is particularly delicate and deserves constant attention. THE first signs of relaxation on the area appear around the age of 40 but there are factors that can influence its premature fading “ explains Professor Angela Noviello, director of the Aesthetics division of Milano Estetica.

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The loss of breast tone can depend on many factors. Not to be underestimated, possible breastfeeding and stress. “All this accelerates, in fact, the so-called ptosis, or the relaxation of the breast which can also occur at a young age and which has consequences on its lining, on the quality of the skin, on the ligaments that anchor the skin to the pectoral muscle and on the functionality of the mammary gland “.

Breast, step-by-step the right beauty routine

Taking care of the skin of the décolleté is essential for an anti-aging action. The goal of the routine is “stimulate tissue oxygenation and microcirculation promoting hydration, nourishment and toning of the skin, as well as stimulating the fibers, ligaments and pectoral muscles »explains the expert.

How to proceed then? Beginning with a light exfoliation once a week «To be performed with the aid of a slightly abrasive mechanical peeling. It is applied moistened and massaged gently with circular strokes, avoiding affecting the delicate area of ​​the nipple. After a few minutes you rinse with warm water or in the shower alternating hot and cold water so as to perform an invigorating action“.

In this way local microcirculation is stimulated making the skin particularly receptive. We then proceed by applying, at most twice a week, a specific mask: «I am those based on algae are particularly suitable, rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals. For their antioxidant, moisturizing and toning properties they are capable of improve the tone with evident results from the first treatment“.

Breast, creams and serums to take care of it

But it is the combination of serum and cream that performs an effective “push up” action because it favors the compactness of the local tissue, as well as counteracting any signs of aging: “For visible results, the serum should contain thermal water with regenerating properties but also plant extracts so as to enhance the moisturizing action of the subsequent cream.

Compared to the latter, in fact, the serum acts in greater depth because it is absorbed more easily ».

Last step, the cream performs a multitasking action. It is composed of complexes of dermotensor and firming plant active ingredients which, combined with the action of phytoestrogens, improve and prevent loss of tone and relaxation.

The latest generation formulas act on the skin texture, improving the appearance of any stretch marks, on elasticity and softness. They also smooth, nourish and moisturize.

The correct massage for the décolleté

Proper breast care also includes the right manual skills. Always sweet. The movements must be superficial and circular, from the bottom towards the neck so as to counteract the force of gravitystimulate the microcirculation, re-oxygenate the tissues and promote the absorption of the active ingredients of serums and creams.

As Professor Noviello recommends, during the massage areas around the two nipples should be avoided.

