Breast cancer, the importance of medical tattoos

S.overcoming breast cancer is difficult. To the illness and the physical signs it leaves, the psychological ones and the difficult acceptance of the new body are added. Because of this medical tattoos can help to reshape the breast areola. Outpatient intervention, Dermopigmentation of the areola-nipple complex, this is the precise name, is currently guaranteed by a few hospitals, although it is of great help to women because it supports breast operated patients especially in the difficult post-operation phase.

«The treatment involves more tattoo sessions and requires building a relationship of trust with the patient based on listening and on the ability to instill serenity and security »explains the professor Paolo Carcoforo, Director of the Complex Surgery Unit 2 of the University Hospital of Ferrara and President of the Italian Society of Geriatric Surgery (SICG).

Breast cancer, the importance of medical tattoos to reshape the breast areola

Not widespread in Italy, Unfortunately, medical tattooing is currently only carried out in a few structures in our country despite the aesthetic and above all psychological benefits it brings with it. “Dermopigmentation of the areola-nipple complex was born with the aim of providing operated women with a safe approach which, in addition to giving aesthetic benefits, offers them above all on a psychological level»Explains Professor Paolo Carcoforo, who started this new service at theCona Hospital in Ferrara as part of the breast activity carried out by the Surgery Unit 2.

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Where it can be done

At the moment there are few healthcare facilities in our country that offer this service which allows you to redraw the area of ​​the areola and nipple, after breast cancer surgery ». Due to the scarce presence of this service on the national territory, many women today are forced to turn to non-health professionals “The project was born from the desire to offer a complete health care pathway to breast-operated womenguaranteeing them the possibility of concluding this difficult experience ».

Dermopigmentation, the end of a long journey against breast cancer

Dermopigmentation is an intervention strongly supported by the Brest Unit, the structure made up of all the professionals involved in the treatment of breast cancer. Carried out by a multidisciplinary team, so as to provide the best possible treatment to patients before, during and after surgery “We try to place the woman diagnosed with cancer at the center of the path alongside her with the utmost empathy to grasp their needs and allow them to “get out” of the tumor tunnel to face a new life, as a person cured of the disease »explains the professor.

With this in mind, therefore, the dermopigmentation of the nipple areola is the final phase of a long process, fundamental step to regain self-confidence, both in terms of mental and aesthetic well-being.

Breast cancer prevention: the tests to be done

Breast cancer prevention: the tests to be done

What is the intervention?

There dermopigmentation, or areola and nipple tattoois a technique very similar to that of the classic tattoo but designed for cover pathological conditions of the skin in order to restore its healthy appearance. In this case, compared to the classic tattoo, the types of highly specific pigments and obviously the purpose change.

The technique involves the introduction of specific pigments through a subcutaneous injection in the sterile field. The patient undergoes a preliminary training-informative interview from which anamnesis, path of the disease and psychological consequences deriving from the surgery emerge. During this interview, the professional assesses the presence of the conditions necessary for the treatment. The tattoo is carried out by a specialized health worker ».

Who can be treated

Dermopigmentation is a treatment carried out up to around 70 years «It is not a mandatory age but an indicative one. There have been particularly fit patients over the age of 70 who have undergone the treatment. In the same way, there is no age at which this treatment is started. Unfortunately, we also performed it on patients who were about 30 years old »concludes Professor Carcoforo.

Access to the dermopigmentation process is allowed simply by contacting the breast PDTA of the Cona Hospital.

