Brazil’s President: Brics group of states no antithesis to G7 and G20

JOHANNESBURG/BRASÍLIA (dpa-AFX) – On the occasion of the Brics summit meeting in South Africa, Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva emphasized that the group of five emerging economies is not directed against others. Rather, it is about a better organization of the Global South, he wrote on Tuesday on Platform X, formerly known as Twitter. “The Brics are not antithetical to the G7, the G20 or anyone else,” Lula wrote. “We want to organize ourselves as the Global South. We are important in the global debate and sit at the negotiating table on an equal footing with the European Union and the United States.”

One topic of the Brics summit in the South African metropolis of Johannesburg is the possible expansion of the group to include other states in order to counterbalance other forums of economically strong countries such as the G7 or the G20. Currently only Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa belong to the Brics Group./mfa/DP/men
