Brazilian Neymar would like to play in the USA

Rio de Janeiro (AP) – The Brazilian superstar Neymar can imagine ending his career in the USA rather than in Brazil.

“I don’t know if I’ll play in Brazil again. I really want to play in the USA, at least for a season,” he said on the podcast “Fenômenos” with former Brazilian world star Ronaldo. The championship there is short, so he would have three months vacation, Neymar said jokingly: “I would play there for many more years.”

When asked how long he plans to play, the 30-year-old said: “I joke with my friends that 32 is enough.” But honestly, he doesn’t know. “I’ll play until I’m mentally tired.” In addition, Neymar has a contract with Paris Saint-Germain until 2025. Then he will be 34. “Well, I’ll play until then.”

The World Cup in Qatar is also coming up this year, for which Neymar named France, Germany, Argentina and Spain as favorites in addition to Brazil. He is saddened by the long-distance between Brazilian fans and their national team. “It’s very sad that I’m playing in a generation where the national team isn’t that important anymore.”
