Brazil holds its breath waiting for the result of the second round between Bolsonaro and Lula

The election is over more dramatic and uncertain of Brazilian history. They must wait several hours so that, as the scrutiny progresses, it will be possible to know the winner’s name. Both Jair Bolsonaro and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva expressed their confidence in being winners. “We have had good news in recent days. God willing, we will be victorious. Or, rather, Brazil will be victorious,” said the still president. His candidate to vice president, the retired general Walter Souza Braga Netto, also assured that luck will once again be on the side of the extreme right. For his part, Flavio Bolsonaro, the coordinator of his father’s campaign, assured that they expect a “historic turn” in the scrutiny.

The people are defining the model of Brazil they want. People are defining today a model of life that they want, “she said for her part Lula leaving the school where he had cast his vote. It has not been for the former president, who was 580 days jailed, in the framework of a trial for corruption that was annulled, on any given day, but “the most important” of his life. Lula arrived at this instance with a advantage between four and five points from the latest polls. But the polls they did not hit the numbers of the first shift, when Bolsonaro got the 43% of accessionssix points more than predicted.

The candidate of workers partyhowever, spoke as a victor of the dispute. “What I would like is for the transition to be the same as the one Fernando Henrique Cardoso allowed us to do (in 2002) and that Dilma (Rousseff) cannot do because she was the target of a (parliamentary) coup,” he said. He also promised to immediately travel to USAcountries of the European Union and Chinawith the supposed good news about Brazil.

unprecedented tension

Never before has that country reached an electoral contest under the veiled threat of disregarding the verdict of the polls as well as numerous acts of violence. “An existential choice: Brazil decides the future of democracy at the polls,” said Bernardo Mello Francocolumnist for Or Balloon. In the same edition of that carioca newspaper, Merval Pereira regretted that Brazilians, 47 years after the recovery of the institutions, still had to face the “anachronistic challenge“to vote in favor of democracy.

Election day was not without controversy. Observers electoral internationalamong them belonging to the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Carter Centerexpressed “great concern” at the reports of possible intimidations to voters in the operations of the Federal Highway Police (PRF). The director of the institution himself, Silvinei Vasqueshad to remove from your account Twitter an image calling to vote for Bolsonaro to his subordinates. Before some of the uniformed men took it as an order, the “called” blackmail to opt for the far right had been made to feel workers from various companies from the country.

“If the election is for Bolsonaro, the vote will fall on the politician who has set aside government responsibilities to dedicate himself to his project. tyrannical to eliminate the limits to power presidential. What is at stake is not just the next four years. It’s almost four decades full exercise of democracy in Brazilexemplary anywhere in the world. It is this fundamental achievement of society that is threatened by Bolsonaro’s Cesarist project,” he said. Folha of Saint Paul in his Sunday editorial.

uncertainties and certainties

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Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and the sixth most populous. “What is the use of celebrating the condition of farm barn of the world, if a large part of the population returns to the hunger map and food insecurity threatens more than 45% of Brazilian households? Brazil Newspaper. Beyond what the polls decide, the future Brazil already bears the mark of the era Bolsonarista. The retired captain has achieved something that no one had dared in that country: form a strong right-wing movement with its most extreme branches.

If the president turns out reelected will count, as he said in the last debate against Lula, with a loyal Congress and in tune with his desire to move forward with greater determination for the conservative pathboth in institutional and social life as well as in the economy, from the privatization of what are considered the great “jewels in the crown”: the Bank of Brazil and Petrobras. If lula win finally the elections, will have to do an unprecedented exercise of balancing In front of a hostile parliament. The second situation PT minority on cameras it looks like a minefield. Lula should go through it with great caution and in the face of the latent probability of an attempted displacement, something that Brazil has already experienced in 2016.
