Brawl in Gesundbrunnen – five arrests!

Several men were arrested after an altercation in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen

Several men were arrested after an altercation in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

Violent argument on Saturday evening in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen. The police came with several patrol cars!

It was still unclear on Saturday what the brawl on Böttger Straße corner Behmstraße was about.

In any case, it is certain that the police temporarily arrested five men. The emergency services were able to place them at the Behmstrasse bridge.

Several police vehicles after an altercation in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen

Several police vehicles after an altercation in Berlin-Gesundbrunnen Photo: Spreepicture

The officials are now investigating a dangerous physical injury and its background.


Currently Berlin police in Gesundbrunnen assault
