Brandweerman (91) the symbol stond voor reddingswerkers na ananslagen 9/11 overleden | Buitenland

“The iconic photo of President Bush was a huge moment when it was seen as hard-wearing,” said the New York Fire Department (FDNY) commissioner Laura Kavanagh in the statement that the 91-year-old Beckwith was overruled.

Ze prees Bob Beckwith “as one of the highest pensioneerde New Yorkse firemen who went to the World Trade Center (WTC) in the days and maanden on 9/11 and helped with the reddingswerkzaamheden”.

The famous photo with Bush was taken on September 14, 2001, the grandchildren were given the opportunity to do so. Bush, with a megafoon in his hand, tried out the day in America in New York and said to the Reddingswerkers “I’m happy, I’m happy. The rest of the world hears Jullie. In degenen the deze buildings can be easily heard on the inner city.”

Tegelijkertijd hield President Bush zijn arm rond Beckwith, the light glowing with fire helmet on the head of the photo state.
