Brandt on Rose’s separation: “Ten minutes in shock”

National soccer player Julian Brandt from runner-up Borussia Dortmund did not see the separation from coach Marco Rose coming.

“I was in shock for ten minutes because I didn’t know anything about it and it wasn’t even close to being in the room. A buddy sent me a screenshot and I thought it was from the Postillon,” said the 26-year-old on the podcast “kicker meets DAZN”.

“In the end, football is so fast-paced and it’s not my job to judge that. But I was surprised,” continued the offensive player. “I felt like it was a long-term story and that he was given the time to build something.” BVB surprisingly announced the separation from Rose on Friday.

Brandt hopes under new and old coach Edin Terzic to continue his development of the past season. Brandt fought his way back into the national team under Rose, missing just three games in the Bundesliga, scoring nine goals and recording eight assists.

“That was okay and a good basis for the next season, but nothing more,” said Brandt self-critically.
