Brandenburg’s politicians do not want to forgo diet increases

Free voter boss Peter Vida (at the lectern) called for a cap on RBB salaries in the Brandenburg state parliament in Potsdam on Thursday.  But the SPD, AFD, CDU and GRÜNE voted against it

The 88 members of the Brandenburg state parliament will receive more money from January Photo: Michael Sauerbier

By Michael Sauerbier

If that’s not a mistake in the election year: Brandenburg’s SPD, CDU and Greens don’t want to do without higher diets in 2024. From January, the 88 members of the state parliament will collect around 400 euros more per month. Free voters, AfD and Left are against it.

The diets increase automatically every year – as much as the average income: by 3.8 percent, the statistics office calculated. Added to this are 8.7 percent higher material costs – due to inflation.

The bottom line is an increase of 4.8% for both items: together 9,300 instead of 8,900 euros from January. Three times more than the average earnings in the country.

No problem for the CDU and the Greens: they were early for the increase. But some SPD people had concerns: Doesn’t the damage to reputation in the election year outweigh more money in your wallet? What a feast for the left-wing and right-wing extremist opposition! Vain.

After a short discussion, the SPD parliamentary group decided on Tuesday: The diet increase is coming! The state elections next September will show whether the decision was wise.


CDU diet increase Green State Parliament SPD
