Brandenburg’s former Interior Minister Schröter at a Corona demo

According to a media report, Brandenburg’s former Interior Minister Karl-Heinz Schröter (SPD) took part in a demonstration against corona measures in Hohen Neuendorf.

Schröter confirmed this to the “Nordkurier” on Sunday. He is doing this because he is convinced that the 2G regulations are not compatible with the Basic Law, Schröter told the newspaper.

“I know that civil liberties can be restricted if people pose dangers and put other people in danger.” In his opinion, however, people who tested negative pose no danger. Schröter was Minister of the Interior in Brandenburg from 2014 to 2019. The Potsdamer “Neueste Nachrichten” also reported on it.

He took part in the demonstration because he wanted to know what kind of people were out there, Schröter continued. The demonstration in Hohen Neuendorf was created by people “from the middle class”. “I didn’t see anyone who appeared extremist there.” If that had been the case, he would not have taken part in the demonstration himself, but would have gone.

The red-black-green coalition discussed a dispute about the relaxation of the corona virus last Friday. CDU state chief Michael Stübgen had called for the 2G rule in retail, 2G plus in restaurants and night-time exit restrictions for the unvaccinated to be dispensed with. Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens) has so far rejected this with reference to the Corona situation. The current Corona regulation expires on February 13. After the consultations, it is conceivable that there will be changes. The cabinet will discuss this on Tuesday.


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