Brandenburgers earn more than Berliners

The residents of the capital earn 2,379 euros below the national average. Brandenburg income, on the other hand, is higher.

Every resident of the capital has only 21,327 euros at their disposal each year. That is 4.9 percent more than three years ago. But 2379 euros less than the national average. Even the Brandenburgers have higher incomes than the Berliners.

Berlin, you’re in trouble! The shock numbers come from the new “distribution monitor” of the union-affiliated Hans Böckler Foundation. The special thing about it: It does not show the gross household income as usual, but the actually available net income after deductions such as taxes, plus state benefits such as child benefit. From babies to pensioners, in every county, in every city.

Like all of East Germany, Berlin does poorly. It ranks eighth among the ten largest German cities.

► The people of Munich, on the other hand, can spend or save 50 percent more than the residents of the capital with 32,039 euros.

► The Brandenburgers also have a little more in their pockets than the Berliners: 21,558 euros. But there are huge differences in the country.

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►Taboo topic Salary – that’s what Berliners deserve

►Federal government leaves us alone with skyrocketing energy prices

► With 24,127 euros per capita and year, Potsdam-Mittelmark is the only eastern district above the national average

Director of Studies Dr. Eric Seils (52): “The average income in Berlin is also so low because the many commuters take their money with them into the surrounding area.”

► Last place in the region is Frankfurt (Oder) with only 19,118 euros. The seventh worst income nationwide.
