Brandenburg wants to accommodate 1,500 asylum seekers in containers

Brandenburg is planning housing containers for 500 refugees each in the initial reception centers in Eisenhüttenstadt (photo), Frankfurt (Oder) and Wünsdorf

Brandenburg is planning housing containers for 500 refugees each in the initial reception centers in Eisenhüttenstadt (photo), Frankfurt (Oder) and Wünsdorf Photo: Ralf Gunther

By Michael Sauerbier

The next wave of refugees is rolling to Brandenburg! Once again, Putin’s vassal state, Belarus, is smuggling thousands into the country. Now the state government is planning container villages.

At 11:11 a.m., Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) received the application from the Potsdam Ministry of Finance on Thursday. Treasurer Katrin Lange (SPD) is to loosen almost 20 million euros this year for initially 1500 container beds. They are to be set up in Frankfurt (Oder), Wünsdorf and Eisenhüttenstadt.

Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (CDU) must create 3,000 new initial admission places. He has only planned 1500 already Photo: Soeren Stache/dpa

According to the application, Stübgen is planning 1,500 additional initial reception places “towards the end of 2023, as soon as a suitable location has been found. Preferably in close proximity to the existing locations, provided that the municipalities give their consent“.

The reason for the stacking of containers: Since the beginning of the year, the Minsk dictator Lukashenko has been smuggling more than 1,000 refugees from all over the world towards Germany every month. There are also migrants via southern Europe and new refugees from Ukraine. Brandenburg expects 26,000 newcomers this year.

Brandenburg Minister of Health Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens)

Brandenburg’s Minister for Refugees, Ursula Nonnemacher (Greens), cannot find a community for a transitional hostel Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa

The 3,000 new containers are necessary because hopeless asylum seekers should no longer be distributed among cities and communities. Accommodation, schools and daycare centers are full. Potsdam’s green refugee minister, Ursula Nonnemacher, still wants to create four transitional facilities there. In order to enable those who have been rejected to “change lanes” to the right to stay.

But none of the 18 district administrators and mayors have confirmed by Thursday evening. The deadline expires on Friday. Nonnemacher’s spokesman helplessly: “If nobody reports, we can’t implement the concept.”


Belarus Brandenburg Container Eisenhüttenstadt Refugees Michael Stübgen Ursula Nonnemacher
