Brandenburg honey free from plant toxins

With honey against hay fever: what sounds tempting is not backed by scientific findings

Honey from Brandenburg can be enjoyed carefree again Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

By Michael Sauerbier

The all-clear for those with a sweet tooth: Honey from Brandenburg contains no or only the slightest traces of harmful pesticides. The dangerous glyphosate was not found in any of the samples.

The Potsdam Ministry of Consumer Protection had 27 rapeseed and tree blossom honeys from Brandenburg examined. The inspectors specifically searched for glyphosate in nine samples. But all varieties were residue-free.

Other pesticides either did not appear at all or only in very small traces in 18 other samples. The examiners selected rapeseed and fruit blossom honey because both crops are often treated with pesticides.

In 2019, a beekeeper from East Brandenburg had to destroy four tons of honey because it was contaminated with residues of the toxic weed killer from a nearby field. In 2022, a court awarded him 14,500 euros in damages.

Despite the positive results, honey should be consumed in moderation because it contains 75 percent sugar.


Glyphosate honey beekeeper crop protection product
